Vitamin C & Fasting

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that has been shown to have positive impacts on various aspects of health, including fasting. Fasting is a practice where an individual abstains from food and drinks for a certain period of time, and can have various benefits for overall health and wellness.

Studies have shown that supplementing with Vitamin C during fasting can help reduce oxidative stress, which is caused by an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body’s ability to neutralize them. This reduction in oxidative stress can result in a reduction in inflammation, which is a key factor in many health conditions including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive decline.

Vitamin C is also known to help boost the immune system, and this is particularly important during fasting when the body is in a state of stress. Vitamin C supplementation has been shown to increase the production of white blood cells, which are key components of the immune system and help fight off infections and diseases.

In addition, Vitamin C has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, which is a key factor in regulating blood sugar levels and preventing the development of diabetes. During fasting, insulin sensitivity is typically improved, and supplementing with Vitamin C can further enhance this effect.

Finally, Vitamin C has also been shown to support healthy skin, as it is an essential nutrient in the production of collagen. During fasting, the skin can be exposed to oxidative stress and may become dry and wrinkled. Vitamin C supplementation has been shown to help reduce these effects, leading to healthier, more youthful-looking skin.

In conclusion, Vitamin C supplementation can have a positive impact on fasting by reducing oxidative stress, boosting the immune system, improving insulin sensitivity, and supporting healthy skin. If you are interested in trying fasting, it may be worth considering adding Vitamin C to your supplement regimen to maximize its benefits. However, it is always important to speak to your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.


  1. Levine, M., Conry-Cantilena, C., Wang, Y., Welch, R. W., Washko, P. W., Dhariwal, K. R., … & Havstad, S. (1996). Vitamin C pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers: evidence for a recommended dietary allowance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 93(8), 3704-3709.
  2. Baer, D. J., Glynn, S. E., & Jacob, R. J. (2005). Fasting, inflammation, and cardiovascular disease. Nutrition & metabolism, 2(1), 1-11.
  3. Padayatty, S. J., Sun, H., Wang, Y., Riordan, H. D., Hewitt, S. M., Katz, A., … & Levine, M. (2004). Vitamin C pharmacokinetics: implications for oral and intravenous use. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1020(1), 6-18.
  4. Diplock, A. T., Charleux, J. L., Crozier-Willi, G., Kok, F. J., Rice-Evans, C. A., & Birlouez-Aragon, I. (1998). Functional food science and defence against reactive oxidative species. British Journal of Nutrition, 80(S2), S77-S112.

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